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3D Arts

3D 建模

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3D 建模是我从进入Polytechnic时就一直想尝试的,对于当时的我而言,它代表了一种全新的艺术。我曾幻想过利用3D 建模塑造出一个完整的城镇。通过一个学期的课程,我大致了解了blender的基本使用方法,也尝试过网上的教学。这时我才意识到3D 建模还有很多有趣的地方我还未曾探索。建模很有趣,但是动画的制作,骨骼的摆放,UV 的调整却是枯燥乏味的。不过当你完成的那一刻,有一种可以比拟完成代码并运行的那种成就感,我非常享受那一刻。

I always wanted to try 3D modelling. It represents a new form of art at the point I step into Republic Polytechnic. I once imagined myself creating a city like those games on Steam. Throughout the semester, I learned the basics of using blender and also tried to create something that's outside the class with YouTube tutorials. I got frustrated sometimes because of the animation, the bones, and UV mapping. But the motion when I actually finish it, I felt a sense of achievement that is comparable to fixing a bug in Unity. 

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