Graphic Design
p / h / o / t / o / s / h / o / p
我从未尝试过平面设计,一切的理论都是通过抖音自学,设计框架也是一步步的探索而成。我会通过分析客户需求和表达,思考想要的情绪以及搜索一些相关的元素,大众的联想,最后才通过制作来构成最终的视觉图。这些都是我通过初步尝试以及Adobe Photoshop的技巧,从 Unsplash 图库找的优质图片进行的一些即兴练习。
I've never tried Graphic Design before, everything is learned through Chinese Tiktok, douyin. My design frame is developed through the process of research. I will analyse the requirement of the customer and envision thoughts and ideas, put in relevant elements through online research and finalise the idea and produce the final work. Below are my practice works, image resources are from Unsplash for practice purposes.
p / h / o / t / o / s / h / o / p
Arranging layout is a form of art in graphic design. I believe playing with fonts can also create a good design. For example the size, shape, perspective, distance and angle collaborate with elements like black grey white, extend, split, gradient, texture, shadow can also give your design an unexpected outcome.